
Mathieu Zurstrassen loves machines, which leads him to craft with a luxury of invention, machines that may sometimes seem utterly useless.
With a combination of anthropomorphic adornments and complex mechanical devices he gives birth to hybrid creations, astonishing.
Is all this only a fairly learned, brilliant, but gratuitous game?
No, by shifting away from our daily reality filled with devices, by turning them away, he reveals a mutant universe.
Art is always a game with matter and time, and Zurstrassen plays with our perceptions, the ephemeral and the duration.
Materials: Brass, Aluminum, Feathers, Glass. Motor and Electronics.
Size: 65x28x22cm
N.B. Names were attributed by a "computerized random reference generator"
It is a temporary designation prior adoption.
Original Created:2022
Styles:Conceptual, Dada, Minimalism, KineticMobile
Mediums:Kinetic, Steel, Sound